v2.0 [Apr 1, 2011]
- New materials and thickness – sub layers associated with existing, structure and design layers are differentiated in the cross section and displayed according to the defined material and thickness.
- New road segment changes – Changes made to a certain segment of the road’s alignment geometry are automatically reflected in the vertical alignment.
- New visibility evaluation – Unique and advanced visibility evaluation mechanism with DWG export and reporting capabilities.
- New overlapping adjustment – automatic alert and delete mechanism of an overlapping area between two topography surfaces.
- New automatic road segments recognition – new ability automatically recognizes subsequent road segments that can be automatically joined and combined for simple centerline creation.
- New ability to extend existing road design – unique feature able to obtain existing road information and automatically compute centerline extension parameters to any specified length for effortless future planning.
- New separated layers in horizontal alignment - in order to meet increasing authorities demands, new feature has been added allowing the ability to separate complex layout information into particular layers. Such layers may contain slopes incline, left edges, right edges, left ditch, right ditch etc.
- New visual indication of cut/fill extents – clearly highlighting extreme points heights in road’s horizontal alignment.